Napoleon's Last Headquarters

  • recognised tourist attraction
  • Wallonia Quality Destination
  • velo
  • Car park
  • Coach park
    3 parking spots
  • Maestro
  • Bus 365A (Bruxelles Midi / Charleroi Sud. Arrêt "Genappe Dernier QG"
4.3/5 (510 Google reviews)
Napoleon's Last Headquarters is a museum open to all, located 4 km from the Lion’s Mound!

7 June 1815. It’s almost dark, it’s raining. Napoleon’s troops are exhausted. They feel the presence of enemy forces. The Emperor ordered them to stop and his aides de camp spotted an unoccupied residence. It was The Caillou Farm. It will be Napoleon’s Last Headquarters.

This ancient farmhouse, now a museum, highlights the events of that famous night thanks to military and civilian witnesses. This is where Napoleon laid out his strategy and battle plans. In authentic surroundings, the museum exhibits objects pertaining essentially to the French army, including one of Emperor Napoleon’s camp beds.

The Last HQ of Napoleon (DQGN) was an historic building before becoming a museum. In fact, the farmhouse has a history of its own, both before and after the Napoleonic era. Furthermore, the farmhouse and its outbuildings are officially listed historical monuments.

Open to all, accessible to reduced-mobility, hearing-impaired (video guide in sign language) and visually-impaired visitors.
  • Free parking for buses, cars and bicycles is available to visitors. Bus 365A (Brussels-Charleroi) drops visitors off 5 metres from the museum (stop "Genappe Dernier QG"). Outside the museum, picnic tables are available to visitors (free of charge). A visit to the museum can be complemented by a walk or bike ride through the Genappe countryside.
  • Bus 365A (Bruxelles Midi / Charleroi Sud. Arrêt "Genappe Dernier QG"

Chasse aux oeufs en famille au Dernier Quartier Général de Napoléon, un haut lieu historique à Vieux-Genappe en Brabant wallon.

La Chasse au Napoléon, ce n'est autre qu'une amusante chasse aux oeufs dans le musée et ses extérieurs sous la forme d'un quizz.

Visite du musée 

À cette occasion, les enfants peuvent visiter le musée provincial dans une ambiance festive et familiale !

Cette ancienne fermette a hébergé l’empereur Napoléon et son état-major lors de la fameuse Bataille de Waterloo

Cadeaux à gagner   

  • A l'issue de la chasse, un bocal de chocolats provenant d’un chocolatier local sera offert à chaque enfant
  • Un concours donnera la possibilité aux participants de gagner 3 lots « sortie en famille ».

Un grand événement à vivre en famille ce printemps !