Les Bateliers museum complex

4.7/5 (268 Google reviews)
Les Bateliers, located at the heart of Namur, is home to two municipal museums, the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Decorative Arts.

Listed as part of the exceptional heritage of Wallonia, the Museum of Decorative Arts is housed in a magnificent private mansion dating from the Age of Enlightenment, the Hôtel de Groesbeeck - de Croix. The museum, which has a lovely French-style garden, displays a superb collection of decorative art spanning the period from the 17th to the 19th centuries: furniture, timepieces, paintings, sculptures, crystal, earthenware and more. These pieces, created by artists and workshops in Namur, bear witness to the daily lives of the aristocracy in the 18th century.

The Archaeological Museum of Namur has built up a major reputation in Europe due in particular to its collections from late Roman Times and the Merovingian period. The collections of the Archaeological Museum of Namur are among the richest of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. The items kept here extend from Prehistoric Times to the early Middle Ages or even the contemporary period as regards the lapidary collections. The pieces come mainly from the Province of Namur and the surrounding area.
  • Shuttle bus "51 / P+R Namur Expo" with combination with relief parking - Évêché stop.
    Train: SNCB Namur station (10 min. walk).
    Bike rental station rue du Collège 30 m away.
    RAVEL line 142 100 m away.
    Namourette (boat): Stop on the Sambre at the Quai des Joghiers 100 m away - in summer.

À Namur, le pôle muséal Les Bateliers vous invite à (re)découvrir le fonctionnement du Magistrat de Namur à travers Coup d'éclat ! Portraits des élus namurois du 17e, une exposition inédite. 

Portaits d'élus namurois du XVIIe

Découvrez ou redécouvrez, le temps d’une exposition, le fonctionnement du Magistrat de Namur au XVIIe et les personnalités qui l’ont porté au travers d’un riche panorama d’œuvres et de documents d’archives.

Coup d'éclat ! Portraits des élus namurois du 17e offre une occasion inédite de se souvenir des actions de 10 personnalités qui ont contribué à la prospérité de la ville de Namur au XVIIe siècle. 3 oeuvres exceptionnelles en témoignent. 

Plongez au coeur de l'histoire politique de Namur !