Fondation Folon

  • recognised tourist attraction
  • velo
  • Car park
  • Coach park
    4 parking spots
  • Maestro
4.7/5 (1541 Google reviews)
A museum surrounded by nature

In October 2000, Jean-Michel Folon (1934-2005) founded a museum in the Château de la Hulpe farm, at the heart of the Solvay Regional Estate. Just 20 minutes from Brussels, this 227-hectare oasis of greenery is bordered by the Forêt de Soignes, criss-crossed with paths and studded with tranquil ponds (which are home to remarkable flora and fauna).

The Belgian artist designed the museum route with original and interactive scenography consisting of installations, music, and lighting and visual effects. The 15 exhibition halls showcase his iconic images/figures including inks, watercolours, paintings, etchings, posters, objects, sculptures... Through these 350 or so pieces, visitors can discover the many facets of the work of this multidisciplinary artist who very quickly achieved international recognition thanks to the universality of his message.

The Fondation Folon is a non-profit foundation which, through the activities it organises, continues to champion the artist's values and campaigns for human rights and nature conservation.

Learn about our activities at
  • PLEASE NOTE ! Not every SatNav recognises the address of the Fondation Folon.
    Enter nr4 Drève de la Ramée in your SatNav instead of nr 6A. FOR DIRECTIONS, CONSULT OUR WEBSITE WWW.FONDATIONFOLON.BE OR PHONE 02 653 34 56.

Prenez l'Air : la Fondation Folon vous convie à une journée tout en légèreté au cœur du Parc Solvay, à La Hulpe. Un hymne à l’air, aux oiseaux et au vent. 

Tous les deux ans, le jeudi de l'Ascension, la Ferme du Château accueille l'événement Prenez l'Air. Cette journée créative et ludique est l’occasion de retrouver les plaisirs de l’air et du ciel.

Au programme

  • Ateliers de montage et peinture de cerfs-volants
  • Démonstrations de cerfs-volistes
  • visites guidées du musée sur le thème de l’environnement
  • Promenades contées
  • Animations musicales.

Levez les yeux vers le ciel et émerveillez-vous dans le parc Solvay !