Aubechies-Beloeil Archeosite and Museum

  • recognised tourist attraction
  • Car park
  • Coach park
    5 parking spots
  • Maestro
  • Dogs admitted
4.3/5 (822 Google reviews)
The Aubechies-Beloeil Archeosite and Museum leads visitors on an exciting 5,000-year journey into history!

A genuine open-air museum, it realistically portrays the daily life of the successive inhabitants of our regions, through reconstructions based on numerous archaeological digs.

The Prehistoric age is illustrated by Neolithic dwellings (the first farmers and breeders) from the Bronze and Iron Ages.After stopping off at a Gallic house, you will discover the Gallo-Roman era, with a temple, necropolis, villa and barge (flat-bottomed boat).

The Léonce Demarez Interpretation Centre for Ancient Religions and Beliefs unveils the polytheistic religions practised in Northern Gaul until the dawn of Christianity.

The site comes to life on Sunday afternoons from mid-April to mid-October, with various craft demonstrations (bone carving, weaving, pottery, forging, bronze melting, Gallic cooking, etc.).

The last weekend of August is dedicated to experimental archaeology, with demonstrations of military manoeuvres, gladiator fights, etc.

Disabled access.

Shop selling books, jewellery and archaeological reproductions.

Playground and cafeteria.
  • Mons - Tournai motorway (E42): exit Blaton, then follow the signs
    Brussels - Lille motorway (A8): exit Frasnes, then follow the signs.

L’Archéosite et Musée d’Aubechies-Beloeil accueille le Celtival, un nouveau festival pour les amateurs de musiques Pagan Folk et de Rock Celtique.

Pas moins de huit groupes de musiciens venus de Belgique, de France et des Pays-Bas, se partageront la scène pour vous envoûter au son des mélodies irlandaises.

Cette festivité organisée à l’occasion du solstice d’été est placée sous le signe de la bonne humeur, de la musique et de l’artisanat.

Au programme

  • Une programmation musicale développée
  • Un spectacle pyrotechnique le samedi soir
  • Des animations familiales
  • Des démonstrations d'artisans : forgerons, bronziers, potiers, tisserands, vanniers.

Laissez-vous emporter par la frénésie des musiques celtiques !

Experience demonstrations of traditional activities, experimental archaeology, lots of entertainment and concerts. In Aubechies on 23 and 24/08/14!

This unique event allows Belgian and foreign archaeologists and experimenters to gather together in order to share their latest research in this field.

Throughout the weekend you can discover shows, entertainment and experimental archaeology demonstrations organised by historical re-enactment companies: Gallic entertainment, gladiator fights, Roman military exercises and more.